How to do the Ombre effect

First you need to pick out two complimentary colors and a top coat.Image

The tools you will need are : a Sponge, a plastic sheet, and toothpicks.Image

Using the lightest of the two colors paint your whole nail and wait for it to dry completely. Image

Next paint a generous amount of the colors right next to each other, almost touching, on to the plastic.

Using the toothpick, swirl the two colors together.Image

Dab the sponge directly down on the two colors a few timesImage

Dab the sponge directly onto the nail moving it slightly up and down your nail.Image

Repeat as many times as you want but make sure you wait for each to be dry first.Image

Add a couple layers of top coat after the colors are completely dryImage

Use a brush or q-tip doped in remover or pure acetone to clean up the nail.Image

All steps and pictures were found on:

For different ways to achieve the ombre effect you can go to:

For a video tutorial on the Ombre effect go to: